Well, my birthday has come and gone, along with the weekend. (My birthday was this Friday.) It was a good birthday. I'm now really an adult. I'm 20 years old. Good-bye teen years. I won't miss ya.
I got a new TV, an antique biography of Charlie Chaplin, The Little Mermaid DVD, and a DVD/VCR combo. What more could a girl want? :D Well, there's plenty of other things, but I am satisfied and floored by what I received this year. I also dressed up for my birthday, expecting to go out to eat and see a movie, but I just went to Quizno's. I even did up my hair! (see photo) The first time I ever got that right!
Realizing I looked great from the neck up, I was more than a little perturbed that the rest of my look didn't live up to my head. So, you know what that means! You got it, out with the old, in with the new! These days, it seems like I'm doing more out with the old than in with the new. I've gone through my wardrobe now, oh, about 3 times in the past two years. Almost all of it is gone.
I used to have a TON of clothes. Mostly shirts. Well, I am now retiring a lot of my shirts, especially being that most people still think me to be a teenager (a middle-schooler to be exact). And praytell what am I to do with these shirts? Well, make a T-shirt quilt OF COURSE! It will be my first quilting adventure. I'm hoping it will be a simple one. I'll need to buy non-stretch iron-on interfacing (so the knit shirts don't curl), and maybe some sashing (I believe this is the border/grid around all the t-shirt squares). I really need something to relate to all of the colors of the shirts and make it less of a patchwork. Most of my shirts are grey and white, so black goes with everything.
I'm planning on making the backing out of flannel. I believe this is what my current comforter is made of, and I love it. I HATE how it looks, but it's so warm and cozy, I just can't help but love it. There's no tag, so I can't say for sure, so I'm gambling on that one. Flannel is nice and warm though, so either way, that shouldn't be a bad choice. I'm actually going to do my quilting in the ditch though. I really want to show off the shirts. This is going to be a quilt of memories - all mostly from my school years. I'm tired of wearing all my old school t-shirts around. I swear, people must think I'm still a child with them.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately) for me, that means I have to really get on the ball and learn to sew and adjust clothes and patterns for me. This is one reason why I bought Vogue Sewing. There's a section in this book just for advanced alterations. I'm looking forward to it, but I am scared! I am hoping to, by the end of the year, be in the American Sewing Guild so that I may have some assistance.
I am also thinking of sewing Mexican puebla dresses for my boyfriend's mother's business. People always call her around Cinco de Mayo for dresses, and this will be perfect for me to really get started sewing clothes (and as a major plus, I'd get an embroidery machine!)...It's up in the air, but it's an option for more money for my own wardrobe!
So, I am hoping that, maybe tomorrow, I will start on that purse finally (I know, it's been so long since I bought that fabric!) I hope this will jumpstart me onto the right track.
Wish me luck,