Teaching Myself to Sew, Sew RIGHT!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Motivation ensues...

Well, after talking to Ben and my mother today about sewing ...not to mention the wonderful support I have on the Fedora Lounge, I am thinking more often about sewing. And now that I somewhat have a job, I'm seriously thinking of ordering presser feet. 200 dollars worth of 'em. And then after all my mag subscriptions are paid off, I want 12 serger feet and a membership to the American Sewing Guild for more social interaction and more knowledge on sewing, especially hands on.

I also got a look at U Sew at the bookstore today. I'm thinking about getting it from Amazon.com if I decide to get it. They have a sale going on for that book right now. But I don't know if the book is quite for me. The "recipe" idea is cool and all, but I'm not too hip on the "add in" recipe cards - the variations supplied. Not only that, but in my honest opinion, I think her pattern designs are aesthetically atrocious. I liked what she wrote in the book though, I give her that, but the rest of the sections were very basic. I'll have to ponder this one some more in order for me to consider buying it for myself, or convince someone close to me that I'd die without it. It's a pretty hefty bill for a generalized, 'inspirational,' motivational book on sewing.

Yesterday we (Ben and I) went to Target for window clothes shopping (for me)and it helped me realize why I started sewing in the first place. The style of the clothing wasn't bad, I did like it. However, the cut and fit of the garments, at least for me, were not flattering. I had to suck it in and be still. Not only that, but my shoulders are broad, my arms are short, and so are my legs. So I have a medium build on a short body. It motivated me, and discouraged me. I was motivated to sew more, and discouraged to buy retail. Because either way, there'd be sewing involved. Why not make something I like even more in the first place?

Today, we went to Joann's to buy fabric for a friend's birthday present. It's about a week past due, but I haven't talked to her yet, and when I do, I will hope to be done or at least started on her project. Should be fun. I hope she loves her gifts. I love sewing things I know I will be able to sew, it's the difficult things that are frustrating (doesn't that go for all things in life?)


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